We all need
Strategic Partners
Over the years, The Blue Boot Foundation has been fortunate enough to find incredible partners whose goals align perfectly with ours. We have developed a symbiotic relationship and the results have been proven. Take a look at a few of our partners and the work we are doing together.

Stop Drowning Now
SDN was founded by a group of educators who believe that drowning can be prevented. We believe that awareness, skills, knowledge and practice can help parents and kids realize the risks they face, learn how to protect themselves and react effectively if an emergency happens.
Visit WebsiteStop Drowning Now Partnership
Stop Drowning Now is a national organization focused on the prevention of drowning. Due to the success of the Blue Boot Foundation, Nicole Bourgeois, our co-founder and Riley's mother, was asked to join the Board of Directors for Stop Drowning Now. As a board member, Nicole has received amazing insight into ways that the Blue Boot Foundation can help spread awareness in our community. Stop Drowning now has also supplied us with a tremendous amount of learning material that we use in our educational programs. To learn more about these programs you can click the link below:
Local Partners

Children's Water Safety
Children’s Water Safety Awareness is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Houma, LA that promotes water safety to all in our area and surrounding parishes. They provide support to those who have lost a loved one to a drowning incident. We were started by families who have lost children to drowning incidents, all at a very young age.
Visit WebsiteChildren's Water Safety
Over the years, Children's Water Safety has become our closest partner. They have assisted in many community events, signing up children for swimming lessons,(which give vouchers to help defray costs of lessons) as well as signing up persons for CPR Training. Along with swimming lessons, the Life Jacket For Life Program has been an important component of our partnership and combined effort. Over the last 5 years, we have distributed over 1200 new life jackets to children under the age of 12. The best part of this program is that they can continue to trade up their life jacket as they get older free of charge. If you would like to learn more about the Life Jacket For Life program you can click the link below:

Bayouland YMCA
The YMCA is committed to nurturing the potential of every child and teen. From cradle to career, the YMCA empowers young people to lead inspired, successful lives.
Bayouland YMCA Partnership
Our Foundation has put together an amazing program with the Bayouland YMCA. We were able to financially assist in getting instructors certified for the Little Floaters Program based out of the YMCA of Bristol, Tennessee to help teach infants on the survival swim skill of floating. Once certified, the program was brought to our hometown, Houma Louisiana. If the first month of the program, the Blue Boot Foundation donated an additional $25,000 to help support families that would like to enroll their infants and toddlers in the program. If you would like to learn more about the Little Floaters Program you can follow the link below: